NTF Member's Site


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Welcome to the Nikon Talk Forum Member's Site

Click on the slide show pictures on the left to to enter the Gallery, or click the links on the left in the navigation bar.

 This site contains a 'Gallery' of self portraits of the members of the Nikon Talk Forum at DPReview...

A NEW 'Learn' section for learning more about digital photography...

Plus, 'Fun Things'... as its name suggests, it's a section for fun bits of Photography related trivia...

NEW...  We now have the NTF Challenge pages, which include the Winner's galleries for each Challenge...

If you are a member of the Nikon Talk Forum please feel free to browse through the Gallery and 'Put a Name to the Face'.

If you haven't submitted your photo yet and would like to, click on "Submit your photo" in the navigation bar on the left.  Fill in your details, then complete the 2nd step (e-mailing your photo in accordance with the instructions), and we will add your photo as soon as possible.

Credits and special thanks...

We would all like to extend our thanks and gratitude to Mr Phil Askey for running DPReview and turning it into such a great site with the best digital camera forums on the net.

Special thanks also go to these Forum members...
Drew ~ for the initial suggestion of this Gallery,
Thomas Bauer ~ for helping with the development of this concept,
Kevin ~ for starting the initial thread on the Forum asking for self portraits,
And to all the Members of DP Review ~ for your suggestions, ideas and support in producing this Gallery.


This Gallery has been developed and is maintained by Michael Offe.

Thanks for visiting, enjoy the photos in the Gallery, and we hope you find the photography tutorials helpful...


Please note: All photos are copyright to their respective owner (the poster/member).
Should you wish to copy a photo in any way what so ever, you are required to contact the owner for their written permission, you can also contact the administrator of this Gallery if you can't get in contact with the actual owner.


Last updated: 10/03/2003   at  12:35 AM   Aust Cent Time


[ Home ] Member's Gallery ] Submit your photo ] Learn Photography ] Actions - PS & PI ] NTF Challenge ] Fun Things ]


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